Thursday 5 January 2012

Isagenix - Day 5

WAHOO! Down 2.5lbs in 5 days! So happy! So motivated to stay on track! I know how hard it is to work out for an entire week straight and only loose a pound, but I'm not even working out yet and I'm losing the lbs!!! The best part is, is I'm not even starving for food! If i'm really craving something I'll hard boil an egg and I'm good. I'm addicted to the shakes now. At first they were hard to take but now I down them and enjoy drinking it.
Lately I've been going to bed early to curb the cravings but tonight i'm staying up for Jersey Shore!!! I'm so excited :) Another really positive thing with the weight loss is the positive attitude I've had lately. Partly because I'm losing so much weight and I'm happy but also because the food I eat on my cleanse has mood enhancing horomones :) Whether thats true or not, I dont know but either way I'm happy!

My new nick name is J-Cleanse lol! Love it!!!

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Isagenix - Day 4

Tough day. Tough in the sense that I craved "bad" food. I felt like a mama burger from A & W so bad. Obiviously I didn't cave because that would be stooooopid! I've become hooked on the fabulous tasting Entree Chicken Salad at Harveys. It's such a moist piece of chicken breast grilled up on top a gorgeous garden salad with lovely tuscan italian (no fat) dressing! Mmmmm it definately curved my cravings for sure and filled me right up! At 140 calories, it's healthy and tasty. I had to change things up because I was getting a little bored of chicken, brocoli and organic rice every day!
Yesterday I was so happy about going down 1.5lbs. I look slimmer in the stomach in just a few days which is amazing!
I've had a few people questioning my program and how I'm going to gain back more weight after. But instead of criticizing, I really want the skeptical people to read up on the Isagenix program. In brief, this i what my day is like:
I have a full shake in the morning as a breakfast substitute. Thats was hard for me to get used to because I LOVE my toast!
After my shake, at 9am I have a snack. This can be one of many things: 6 almonds or 4 walnuts, an apple, celery sticks, hard boiled egg ect. So one of those snacks is a great filler.
Between snacks I have LOTS of water with lemon-it tastes so good.
To curb my caffeine cravings, I can have tea with honey. It's ok and it works for now.
By noon I get to have a 600 calorie meal. This is a BIG meal so i usually eat some at noon and the rest at 2pm. This helps keep me full through the day. This consists of one serving of grains (whole wheat bread, organic brown rice, sweet potatoe, ect) one serving of protein (turkey, chicken, hard boiled egg ect) and one serving of vegetable (veggies steamed, salad ect) and one "fats" which can be butter, salad dressing, olive oil ect. This generally fills me up.
By 2pm (or 330 if i eat the rest of my lunch) i have my accelerator pill and another "snack.
When I get home at 5pm, I have my second shake for the day. This is filling for the evening. I've been going to bed by 10 and i still feel full and satisfied when I go to bed.

The program is designed to help you alter your lifestyle and your eating habits. It has already helped me eat better, and after 30 days, I still want to continue with the shakes and sensible eating I've been doing.

So, no I do not believe i will gain all my weight back because I'm going about this properly. And all my posts about me whining is simply because I'm the type of person that needs to talk things out loud to help me get through whatever I am going through. It's been a shock to my body because I was consuming way too much food for my body to handle and so thats why it's been a challenge so far. Next week will be better-I know it. Because I'm not going to give up and I'm going to look the best I've looked in years. And I'm excited and happy to do so.

So please encourage me and not discourage me because I have wanted to do this for a long time and I'm so excited that I'm already through day 4!

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Isagenix - Day 3 - Pt 2


IT'S WORKING!!!! VICTORIA'S SECRET BODY, HERE I COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Isagenix - Day 3

HOLY MOLY I didn't think I'd make it to day 3, but I have!!! Yesterday was a tough day. I reaaaalllly craved toast and coffee. I had major caffeine withdrawls all day long which gave me a lingering headache all afternoon. Today should be better. I talked to my dietition last night to help me with the cravings. And today I am having tea with honey. It's better than nothing. It will give me a caffeine kick and give me the sweet taste I've been longing for. Also I've decided to sub out my serving of organic brown rice to have my whole wheat bread at 11am so I can make some toast. So excited! I cant wait to sink my teeth into my toast again!

When I was talking to my coach last night, she explained it's not about completely eliminating foods, but balancing out your food groups and substituting foods throughout my day. Like my bread for example-I can have my toast but I can't have any more carbs for the rest of the day. Seems simple in theory, but try living this day to day.

I have been drinking 5-6 cups of water each day, it's so annoying to keep having to go to the bathroom every half hour! But it's all about the flush of fluids and getting rid of all the toxins in my body.

Psyching myself up for Sunday-this is going to be the toughest day ever...24hours of no food consumption. Words of encouragement needed dearly and severely!!! I need everyone's help cause I dont know how I am going to get through the day!!!!!!

Today's Motivational photo is Miranda Kerr! Damn bitch had a baby and still can shoot photos like this!

Monday 2 January 2012

Isagenix Day 2

I'm having a rough start getting up this morning at 6am for work. No coffee is killing me! The only thing I can have is herbal tea with honey if I REALLY need too. Other than that, I'm feeling ok. I didn't get that great of a sleep. I kept dreaming about how when I wake up I can't have my toast and coffee. It was more like a nightmare, and then I realized it's reality! Detoxing sure makes you dream weird things.

I noticed a slimmer tummy today though. Thats a bonus. Just one day of clean eating and i noticed a flatter stomach than usual. Lets hope everyday I notice more and more. Average weight loss during the first 9 days is approx 7-10 lbs if you follow the schedule to a T. I'm looking forward to weighing myself next monday to see the results.

Today as my snack I'm going to have a hard boiled egg. I watched YouTube videos on how to do it in the microwave at work since we don't have a stove to boil it on! So this should be interesting! I hope I don't blow it up in the microwave!

Well I'm all packed up and ready for work. Lets hope I dont feel so sluggish in a few hours. I read that the main cause of feeling like this within the first 3-5 days is because your body is working so hard to break down all the fats. My body's pretty much in shock right now. I haven't had any bad fatty foods at all yesterday for probably the first time in forever! (ie: butter!) And the next few weeks I will continue to do the same. I can have 2 pieces of whole wheat bread as a snack one day, and I'm going to save that for the weekend so I can get up and have my toast and enjoy myself without having to rush out to work!

Stay tuned!

Sunday 1 January 2012

Isagenix - Day 1 - Pt 2

Well it's 1pm on my first day and I'm actually feeling pretty good. I just spent the last 2 hours packing up all my food into bags and containers for the week. I had diced up chicken, broc, cauli & beans and organic brown rice. Once I measured my portions, my plate had a lot of food and I wasn't THAT hungry. So I split my portions and only ate half of each food portion and had a 16oz glass of water with lemon. I feel more than satisfied and I actually have energy. But I'm going to have a calm relaxing afternoon and watch some movies to pass the time. My next snack is at 2pm and I get to choose either 6 almonds, or 4 walnuts, or 1 isagenix snack (it's a chocolate wafer which tastes a little bit chalky-haven't quite aquired the taste just yet!) But I dont know if i'm going to snack just then, since I have to eat the other half of my lunch by 3pm. I may just save the 6 almonds until 6pm when I finish my shake and I dont have any more food left to eat.
Surprisingly, I'm eating about 6-8 small meals throughout the day and I can't see how I can feel "starved". Although this is only day 1, we shall see how next Sunday goes when I can't have ANY food at all during my "cleanse" day. Yikes!

Today's Motivational Picture Alessandra Ambrosio. HAWT!

Isagenix - Day 1

Sun Jan 1st 2012

Rough start this morning. Woke up at 9am, stomach grumbling and had a big, delicious ... shake :( Finding it a bit hard to drink so much right away in the morning. Could really do with a big piece of toast and jam right now... Story developing!

We'll see how the rest of the day goes. Right now, I'm looking forward to lunch!!!